31 Votes in Poll
I mean no disrespect by saying this, but Contrary to what many fans think, I don’t think Belos ever truly loved his brother. I feel he only idolized the ideal Caleb represented, a witch hunter dedicated to eradicating witches and demons from the world. When Caleb proved everything Belos believed about him to be wrong he remorselessly murdered him, then has spent centuries creating the Grimwalkers to prove the point that he could never be wrong about Caleb’s true nature. He didn’t do it because he missed Caleb, he wanted to refine Caleb into a version that better suited him, one that was Botha witch hunter and one that would obey him.
Plus, if he truly and genuine wanted Caleb back, he would never have given his golden guards coven sigils. When you think about that, the better version of his brother was never supposed to return to the Human Realm with him, he was going to leave his better version of his brother to die. Most likely because he didn’t want to share any of the credit for saving humanity from witch and demon kind
He’s near pure evil. I’m evil-er
@Skittle1923 why do you feel he is near pure evil
He's evil enough
Belos is worse than evil. He's a fanatic. That makes him more dangerous. Belos believes what he is doing is good and that the people trying to stop him are the evil ones. He's convinced that he has right on his side and so he is capable of anything to include genocide.
Near pure evil beacuse he has a respect for humanity
@Hawas1983 Fanaticism is evil.
No, it isn't. Not in and of itself. It can drive people to actions that are themselves evil but it is also capable of motivating actions we would classify as good.
What do you think?