28 Votes in Poll
Nraxas and Wrath sure, but not Kikishora
Warden Wrath probably would've developed for Luz Noceda. Why not Kikimora?
Cause Kikiclora is a b-
Kikimora is nowhere near as evil as Odalia Blight, but yeah, you're right. They're both b******.
Braxas catching random strays
But honestly Braxas and Wrath have redeemed themselves enough
Kikimora and Tibbles can go jump off a toaster though
Do you think Warden Wrath probably would've developed respect for Luz Noceda for saving the Boiling Isles from Emperor Belos?
Braxas was never evil, but Warden Wrath was evil. He probably became a better person. I'm not sure why Tibbles was even at Luz's party. Warden Wrath deserves to be there more than he does.
Braxas didn't do anything wrong, I don't think. I haven't seen season 3 yet, but I don't think he did anything wrong, he's just a kid.
He definitely didn't do anything wrong. He never did anything evil in any of his appearances.
What do you think?