wip dragonkin mask
breaking news: i cant take selfies lmao
wip dragonkin mask
breaking news: i cant take selfies lmao
Im stupid... What is the difference between furries and therians? /genq
Furries are cosplayers, they like dressing up as animals and wear fursuits and stuff
But therians actually believe they were animals in a past life.
I dont really understand therians but i dont rlly mind as long as they dont bother me lol
I admit i have met one irl and it was....odd. they were wearing wolf ears and tail, and a collar, and were devouring a burger like a rabid animal at my place of work-
I dont think thats how most therians act though, they were probably a bad rep
yeah, most likely bad rep or in the middle of a mental shift (most likely bad rep)
Ok thanks for clarifying!
I'm not a Therian, but I support every one of them! </3
Therians are wonderful beings
I dont think believing you were an animal in a past life and taking it as far as ive seen some therians do is....healthy, but i dont think the belief itself is bad.
Some people just take it too far so the community has kind of a bad rep i think
Chroma a headmate of mine doesn't believe she was an animal in a previous life she believes she is a animal sprit stuck in a human body
Oh right those kinds of therians also exist
My i only issue with people like that is when they cause a disturbance in public. like if you think you're an animal and want to do animal things i think its really up to the person but when you take it into public and cause a scene then its kind of an issue pwp
Not going to lie. That is a cool mask.
What do you think?