Oh boy... This is gonna trigger a lot of Luz Fans. Yeah, It's Luz's fault for indirectly setting everything in motion, dooming The Boiling Isles to almost mass execution and to becoming playthings for The Collector. And I know what Hunter said and you're gonna say, "It's not her fault, Belos/Philip tricked her." Or "If she wasn't there, Belos/Philip would've found someone else to trick." And that right there 'If she wasn't there, Belos/Philip would've found someone else to trick', that wouldn't happen. Back then, pretty much everyone hated Philip, and so he won't be able to trick or manipulate anyone. And even if he solved the door puzzle, the monster behind it would quickly eat him. I like to introduce you all to a basic paradox called, The Bootstrap Paradox.
The Bootstrap paradox (scientifically dubbed Causal Loops) is a Time Travel-based Paradox involving a person, object or piece of information being trapped in a infinite-cause loop within the flow of time. Here it has no origin or end point. Now let's look at Elsewhere and Elsewhen, where Luz and Lilith go back in time an unfortunately help Philip to find the imprisoned Collector and establish the Emperor's Coven and turn the isles into a social Darwinistic society. Also, it's the domino effect, and that word INDIRECTLY means it's an unforeseen consequences of Luz's actions. If Luz had not gone back in time and accidentally helped Belos/Philip form his plan, then the coven system wouldn't have been existed. It had directly caused Lilith to find the owl curse and cursed Eda out of jealousy and desperate, and also cause Eda to run away and found the doorway to the Human Realm. Though that would have led to Luz to inevitably find the Demon Realm and continue causal loop. So yeah, Luz's existence is a Bootstrap Paradox. And if she had never followed Eda's Palisman Owlbert, the Causal loop would have been broken, Belos/Phillip wouldn't rise to power, there won't be the Emperor's Coven, Eda would be curse free, The Collector won't have been found or freed, and everyone would be happy and safe.