Page 20 Margot: Can I lift you Kiki?
Kiki: Ok.
Margot lifts Kiki.
Margot: I love lifting you Kiki!
Kiki: I know.
Margot puts Kiki down gently.
Margot: Can I forgive Tibbles?
Kiki: You should atleast try.
Margot: Anything for you best friend.
Kiki smiles.
Margot: Tibbles are you sorry for attempting to kill me swaying Kiki and helping Odalia?
Tibbles: Yes.
They all hug.
2 hours later.
Margot in a flashback: I was scared.
Wolf: Why were you scared?
Margot: It's too painful.
Margot starts crying.
Wolf: I won't hurt you please I'm sorry if you're sorry!
Margots flashback ends .
Margot: Kiki?
Kiki yawns amd wakes up.
Kiki: Yes Margot?
Margot: I've been thinking.
Kiki: About what?
Margot: About my former friend.
Kiki: It's ok Margot you have me now.
Margot: I know Kiki.
Margot: I just wish.... I told her the truth about why I was afraid of my parents.
Kiki: I know and Margot I would never hurt or insult you.
Margot: And I would never hurt you Kiki .
Kiki: I love you Margot.
Margot: I love you too Kiki .
Kiki: Good night .
Margot: Good night Kiki.
They fall asleep.
Margots father starts crying.
Margots father: I miss him.
Margots father knocks on door .
Margots father: Hello?
Kiki wakes up.
Kiki: Who the hell is it?!
Kiki: If this is Tibbles we're just friends.
Kiki: Margots father?
Margots father: Can I speak with my daughter about Rupert.
Kiki: She's so peaceful right now though.
Margots father: Please or can I sleep here and tell her tomorrow?
Kiki: Sleep here I don't want my best friend to have her beauty sleep ruined.
The next day.
Margot: Father?!
Margots father: I want to talk about Rupert with you today and officially celebrate his funeral before tomorrow when his actual funeral begins.
Margot: But I wanted to hang out with Kiki today!
Kiki: It's ok Margot I'll be with Steve today.
Margot and Kiki hug.
Margot: I'll miss you Kiki!
Kiki: And I'll miss you Margot.
A few minutes later.
Margots father: What do you want to do throughout the day Margot?
Margot: Let's just go home I want to be with Kiki.
Margots father: I need to talk to you about Rupert!
Margots father: I'm sorry.