Amity, Hunter, and Vee: Trauma Trio
Luz, Willow, and Masha: Miracle Lovers
Gus and Matt: Unexplained Couple
Matt is just like me fr
Had to fight for her mother's love and was seen more as a marketing tool (demonstrator of the products) than an actual witch that needs, love, care, attention, etc, in spite of all of that managed to lead a good life as a good person.
Clone of an evil emperor's brother, he was constantly lied to and taught the wrong things, ect. As a result, became (unintentionally ofc) a bad person but managed to get himself out of that position and lead a good life as a good person.
A science experiment to see how basilisks feed on magic, since basilisks were extinct, they managed to create her. Because of this she was kept behind bars and studied, robbed of her freedom and childhood, ect. In spite of this she managed to escape and lead a good life as a good person.
Was dumber than everyone else
@Ghoulzzz Amity didn't wanted for her Odalia's love, cause Odalia never cared about Amity, Em and Ed, and Alador at all. She only use them as a tools.
When she was younger like 2-5-ish she probably did tho cuz she didn't know how bad Odalia was
@Ghoulzzzzzz In Understanding willow, a flashback Amity was 7 before turning 8, then the blackmail incident happened.
True but by then she probably knew that they were bad people
And my point isn't that it's that little kids tend to seek validation, praise or simply love, or maybe just the words 'I'm (so) proud of you' not everyone is that way through but most people are so I'm assuming Amity was too
She probably grew out of it alot quicker than others because she probably understood she'd never truly have her mother's love
What do you think?