Plot: Benson gives everyone vacation tickets at the beginning of summer. The rest of the gang got to go to cool places, while Mordecai and RIgby get tickets to Gravesfield, Connecticut, in which they complain that it's a small town with nothing to do. Benson says that because they never do work, they get a miserable vacation. NOW GET TO THE AIRPORT RIGHT NOW OR YOU'RE FIRED! at the airport, they were surprised that Benson was nice enough to let them take the golf cart on the plane. It started to get dark, they had to make it to some Motel or something. That's when they see some weird figure staring at them in the middle of the road, they freak out and crash the cart. They look around for someone to fix it or hitch a ride with. That's when they found the same figure going through a portal. They Followed the Figure and ended up in Boiling Isles. And the Figure that made them Crash was Eda using giant Glasses to freak people out in the dark