Hi! I'm a bit bored and have quite a bit of free time today (the not free time will be in like half an hour and I've got to sort my things out for school which starts on Tuesday 😭😭😭) so I thought... why not draw some TOH characters? I have to complete 3 drawings for 3 users on a different Fandom so I might as well get more requests! So, feel free to request any characters and I'll draw them. Also, I've only seen the first 8 episodes at the time of posting this so I'd prefer it to be any of the characters that appear in the first 8 episodes but it doesn't bother me if it's not. Here's a link to one of my posts so you can see my drawing style if you want:
https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000234060 (one of the main Fandoms I'm on)