There is no episode of The Owl House that I don't like but there are some that I love more.
S1 favourites:
The Intruder - King & Luz get closer and Eda's Beast was so cool
Covention - We see a lot of Lilith and I started shipping Lumity
Hooty's Moving Hassle - Tibbles and Hooty are so funny.
Once Upon a Swap - One of my top favorite episodes because we see Lilith and Boscha with their friends and it was funny to see them swap bodies and clean Hooty. (I know a lot of people don't like this episode lol)
Something Ventured, Someone Framed: Matt appears and it was interesting to see how Gus makes mistakes and lets himself be provoked. We were also able to learn a little more about how school/detention works on the Boiling Isles and also that Eda was a little troublemaker as a child.
Really Small Problems: Tibbles is just so funny and also how Eda act in this episode and was dressed.
Wing It Like Witches: Boscha episode - I love it so much.
Agony of a Witch & Young Blood, Old Souls: Epic good episodes that concludes the end of S1.
S2 favourites:
Escaping Expulsion: Odalia was so much to see.
Echoes of the Past: Lilith screentime and King backstory.
Keeping up A-fear-ances: Clawthorne Family Drama with Happy End.
Through the Looking Glass Ruins: Bria and it was nice dark how she got tricked by Gus and we see what Gus can do with his magic.
Hunting Palismen: Hunter and happy Boscha with her Palisman.
Eda's Requiem: The CATs and Eda was ready to sacrifice herself.
Yesterday's Lie: We meet Vee, Masha, Jacob and it was so dark sad to see Camila cry.
Follies at the Coven Day Parade: Kikimora is so funny.
Elsewhere and Elsewhen: Cool Aunt Lilith have a Party and hang out later with Luz, Belos Backstory and it confirmed my Philip is Belos theory.
Hollow Mind: Hunter and Belos screentime and backstory.
King's Tide: A emotional and beautiful dark cliffhanger that perfectly concludes season 2. And hint/easter egg Amphibia.
S3 favourites:
Thanks to Them: funny Vee moments and blush on Masha als her last words, funny Jacob, Belos controll Hunter, RIP Flapjack
For the Future: The Collector screentime and his friendship with King, Terra as Eda, funny Odalia, Matt, Boscha with her friends, Caleb Ghost, Kikimora and her costume, Stringbean and the epic "evil" The Colltor face and that he want to play a new game.
Watching and Dreaming: Most epic episode ever and the perfect ending for me to a perfect series. Despite a few story weaknesses I was able to see all of my favorite characters again and see them have a happy ending so it's still a perfect ending for me.
It's a very long list but I just love The Owl House and hope I haven't forgotten anything.