You literally have to be a bit older to get a girlfriend/boyfriend…
People can date at 14, hell some even date at 13, as long as they’re comfortable with it and feel they’re ready I don’t see anything wrong with dating at 14.
I saw kids get married in my elementary school ( it was a mock wedding but still )
Kids were dating at 11 in my schools, I personally want to wait but dating at 14 is normal, and every “ attractive ” girl being a lesbian sounds like a you problem, as a lesbian myself I hate whenever guys say “ all the hot girls are lesbian “ because it’s really uncomfortable, so be considerate of people, not like we can control it :/ if anything we got the same problem as you
I just hate amity
I think its a problem that I got my first ex from kindergarten... ( hashtag trying to stay away from... the argument 😋 )
@Whyamievenherewhywhywhy Your right, but seriously, almost all of the hot girls at school are lesbians. Why?
Brother they just stated how uncomfortable that statement makes people and you still decide to say it lmao what
It also just feels kinda weird -.-
@Whyamievenherewhywhywhy Your right, but seriously, almost all of the hot girls at school are lesbians. Why?
Because they are 👍
It's not true that she doesn't have character development post season 2B, people who say like that just don't understand how her character works.
@BoxmanCool I never actually saw the show so of course I don’t know how her & the others’ character works.