Sup I'm Shortcake
Hiii me Willa Name: Willa
Nickname: Willa
Dedicated my life to tdp and TOH?: YES
Fun facts: I am Aromantic U know what it means y said u are urself
I do know what what means
Hi I'm Ghoul
Welcome to the fandom. Not much I can say about myself but I will say that I ship Boscha with no one at all. Amity is with Luz and Willow is with Hunter. And Boscha is someone I say shouldn't be shipped with anyone she bullies as it wouldn't work.
Boscha shouldn't even be shipped with Willow, Luz or Amity ether because not only is it toxic but Boscha bullied Willow and Luz and Amity is with Luz and Willow is with Hunter and it wouldn't work. Sorry but Boscha should be shipped with no one. While I'm not into poly ships or anything involving poly related things.
I'm not against it but a polyship with between Boscha, Willow, Luz and Amity is not needed nor is it wanted, Basically, not all polyships are needed, I'm not against polyships but I know they're not always needed.
That's why I say Boscha shouldn't be shipped with Luz, Willow or Amity because Boscha bullied them and Boscha being with ether of them wouldn't work and would just result in Boscha going to prison for multiple domestic violations and that Willow is with Hunter and Luz is with Amity. Me and probably others feel the same ( I wouldn't say everyone because others agree, other disagree and some are hard split about it and I don't speak for everyone ) hope you have fun on the fandom.
Hi and welcome!!! I'm Em and I'm aroace. My favourite TOH ship is Lumity. I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hello! I’m Nerdy!
Demisexual Omniromantic
Welcome to the wiki!!! ^u^
Welcome to the Wiki!
I am Royalty Imp - they/them - bi/pan
Boscha is also one of my favorites and I ship her with Willow, Amity & Luz and also as a Poly ship.
Nice to find another Boscha & Poly fan again here.
Hello I'm ARTDL welcome to the wiki.
Also my fav amity ship is LUMITY
What do you think?