Just announcing here that I’ve decided to take a break with the HHN posts. I’ve gotten busier irl at the same time that this wiki has gotten more inactive even with the new school year, and overall I don’t think it’s worth it anymore. The wiki is so lackluster these days that there is virtually no news to report, and I don’t want to make a bi-weekly post that’s in the Wiki Discussions category just for the sake of it. I know that I’ve made a poll about a similar topic 2 months ago, however even with bi-weekly posts instead of weekly, there has been almost nothing to report, and I also want to focus on school more. I’ve enjoyed doing the HHN for the past almost 2 years, but it’s time for a break. If this wiki gets more active again I might bring the series back, but as of now there won’t be anymore HHN posts. Sorry guys.
For anyone who hasn’t been interviewed yet and still wants to, please let me know and I’ll interview you and see about making a separate post with the interview answers.