And now for something completely different: Aubergine's commentary on The Owl House.
Well, we gotta start somewhere, don't we? Here we go...
This is the only time we've seen people enter the Owl House by being EATEN by Hooty. Part of me wishes they'd done this more, but at the same time, the fact it only happens this once in the show kinda makes it all that better of a gag.
One other thing: I've noticed that Hooty getting poked in the eyes or punched or otherwise being the butt of physical comedy was a bit of a recurring gag in these early episodes.
Only a human can break through the magical force field where King's crown from "Burger Queen" is being held. Guess who turns out to be a human?
Snake oil salesmen were notorious conmen. But in this case, Eda is a legitimate seller of snake oil!
"Because nobody likes an un-oiled snake!"
In S1E2, "Witches Before Wizards", Luz asks King if she really is the only human on the Boiling Isles. King replies: "Haven't seen any others."
He's technically right, he hasn't SEEN a human... as far as he's aware.
Adegast, about to send Luz on a phony quest, says she's the chosen one meant to purge the land of an "ancient evil". He's making it all up, of course... but he has no idea how true that last bit about "ancient evil" is.
Intentional reference or not, this guy reminds me of The Keeper of the Bridge of Death (also known as "The Old Man From Scene 24") from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Aside from physical likeness, he serves more or less the same role; asking travelers questions to determine whether they may cross the bridge.
Only if you fail to correctly answer The Keeper of the Bridge of Death's question as to what your favorite color is, you are cast into THE GORGE OF ETERNAL PERIL!
Also, Adegast (the puppeteer demon, the main antagonist of this episode) is voiced by Robin Atkin Downes, the voice of Medic from the game Team Fortress 2. Once you have this knowledge you can't un-hear the Medic's voice in this episode.
To think... THIS was our introduction to Amity Blight.
And to think... THIS was Luz's reaction to Amity the first time she ever saw her. My, how things have changed.
Luz comes up with the nickname "Gus" for Augustus Porter because she knew an Augustus from the human realm who was nicknamed "Gus". So... WHO IS GUS THE HUMAN?
Okay, rather unimportant detail, but notice the door to the left of the Owl House in the picture below.
That door leads into the Owl House's shed. (Owl Shed?) I think this is the only time we see inside the Owl Shed in the show, as far as I'm aware.
Mundane detail? Yes, but still the kind of detail I like.
See if you can spot where Bill Cipher is hiding on King's board of demons!
Alas, the Hooty abuse continues.
Luz first sees the light glyph when rewatching the video she took of Eda making a light spell circle (before falling unconscious). The video glitches a bit before showing the actual glyph inside the spell circle.
Remember... the Titan is always watching. And in "King's Tide", Philip remarks how it took him years to find all the glyphs, saying it was almost like the Titan himself had kept them from him.
Perhaps this was the Titan's handiwork? What do you think?