So. Basically just to sum up what I'm about to get into is, my theory regarding the basilisk subject, is basically I think Graye may be a basilisk disguised as a witch.
Some of you may or may not be aware of a post on Tumblr of someone theorizing that Adrian “Graye” Vernsworth, the Illusion Coven head, could be a basilisk. I find the theory very intriguing, and very plausible, and possibly canon, as a very large amount of evidence points toward it. But, I know what most of you are gonna say.
“That's crazy,” or something along the lines of, “you're forgetting about that one thing (I will talk about it further along for those of you who are new to this idea), and due to that info, it can’t be true and isn’t possible.”
I have some ideas that can possibly prove that idea incorrect, and some more small things that can also help support that Graye, may very well actually be a basilisk disguised as a witch.
Of course I could also be totally wrong, and that's why I will be talking about not only the things that support it, but also the things that are against this idea as well, and afterwards you all can decide which makes the most sense!
Here are the ideas form the original post, put in my own words, and also the other ideas I came up with, which may also support my argument. Here is the link to the orignal post which I got most of my info from:
First of all, let's talk about the basilisks, and what we know about them so far.
In a short summary, basilisk went extinct from unknown circumstances, but in the episode,” The Looking Glass Ruins”, you can see a book called, “Basilisk Hunting” so that does imply that basilisks were hunted and that's what most likely drove them to extinction. Belos brought 5 basilisks that we know of to experiment on them to figure out how The Drawing Spell would work.
Well if you're wondering what any of this has to do with Graye, here is my first piece of information which I find very interesting and quite suspicious.
I think it's safe to say that Belos only brought back 5 basilisks, since they are all named after numbers, and Vee is known as Number 5. So there must be 4 other basilisks out there. Wrong. Well, at least from what is shown in the show. We only see 3 other basilisks other than Vee. 2 other basilisks, one with light brown fur/hair, and another with maroon colored hair/fur, and of course the rouge basilisk, or better know as a greater basilisk, as shown in the pictures below:
So where is this missing fourth basilisk that we never see in the show? Well, it could just be that Dana and the crew thought it was unnecessary to create another design as they wouldn't have any plot relevance, and just didn't add them in. Or, the idea that I personally like, is that said basilisk was not included on purpose, and would have had relevance in future content. That being, Graye possibly being revealed to be a basilisk some time in the show, and not really have any real importance to the main story, but maybe a small plot point focusing on the basilisk main story, and possibly reveal more information about the basilisks, and possibly having a connection to Vee?
Basilisks and their abilities.
Basilisks have the ability to take form and shape-shift into basically any living creature, whether it be witch, demon, and possibly even titans.
Also they also have the ability to teleport, which lets off a blue smoke like substance when doing so, which you can see Graye do.
Of course all Illusionists are able to do so, see we see Gus do a few times. So this probably isn't the most reliable piece of evidence there is, but I think it's worth taking note of!
Graye's character design and physical appearance.
If you do pay attention to the little details in Graye character design, there are actually a lot of like things you can find that could connect him to being a Basilisk in disguise.
He has fangs, just like a basilisk would, as well as the cute signature :3 face that they all have. Vee shows those characteristics when she is in a human form(minus her fangs of course), as shown below:
Graye's tail.
I have noticed that his tail is different colored compared to the hair on his head, and is the same color as his uniform, which I have always kinda found odd.
Note that basilisks aren't able to hide all of their body parts, and the color of them (or at least for long periods of time) like Vee is with her ears, as seen in the picture of her above.
What if Graye is exactly the same, and is unable to conceal his tail, and its color? So it could make a bit of sense that in his basilisk form, he could have blonde fur/hair and could have blue patterned skin, and his uniform was made to blend in with that in mind.
I have seen people say, "Demon and witch breads do exist and he could have very well gotten these, "basilisk traits" from his parent(s)." Which is totally plausible, and I totally agree. But I honestly just find the basilisk theory more fun!
I've noticed that his tail is pretty similar to a basilisks tail. Mainly the ploof of fur on the end, which all basilisks have. But there are some differences I would like to point out as well. Basilisk tails are more of the shape of a lizard, and Graye's tail takes more of the shape of a cats. I speculate that maybe the reason behind this is maybe the bead on the end of his tail is like a concealment stone, and makes his tail look the way it is, because well, if his his tail looked exactly the way a basilisks tail does, it would defiantly attract attention, and not the good kind.
While focusing on the appearance subject, I would also like to bring up the greater basilisk and her witch disguise as The Inspector, as this could possibly support this theory.
I noticed that her witch disguise is actually very similar to Graye's character design, in my opinion. Look at both of them at once, they are very similar looking. Mainly their hair, which the greater basilisk as well as her witch disguise, her hair is swirled up into a bun, and Graye's hair is in a sort of similar fashion, but curled up a pushed over to the side. No other characters in TOH have that hairstyle. (Except that one light blue haired kid, who is obviously just a fan of Graye's so they don't count.)
(Yeah, hes obviously a fanboy, he don't count. lmao)
So, yeah Graye and The Greater Basilisk/Inspector look very similar. Makes me wonder if that could be hinting at some sort of connection between the two. Of course just because two characters look similar, probably isn't sufficient enough to prove two characters have some sort of relation to each other, so probably not...??
The ironic traits of the coven heads!
So, some people may have noticed that the coven heads are pretty ironic compared to the covens they represented.
Darius being the (former) Abomination coven head, and yet was scared of getting dirty, and obsessed with cleanliness. Raine the (former) Bard coven head has massive stage fright. Eberwolf the (former) Beast Keeping coven head is a beast himself. The irony!
What if Adrian the (former) Illusion coven head, and his ironic trait being, despite being the Illusion coven head, represent a type of magic that represents trickery, deception, disguise, he himself actually being a basilisk pretending to be a witch.
That's pretty ironically accurate one could agree, yes?
FINALLY, that one tiny thing that may just drag this theory down, and prove it completely false.
For those of you who are familiar with this theory, I know what you want me to bring up:
"Adrian Graye can't be a basilisk because he drew a spell circle on the Day of Unity, and basilisks can't draw spell circles, therefore this theory is incorrect."
And my argument against this is actually very simple.
When Dana had to shorten the show, and start changing everything to better suite a shortened version of the show, the idea probably had to be cut out, along with the basilisk story line, and him drawing spell circle was probably just something that happened, and was rushed in.
Dana said herself that The Owl House second half of season 2, and season 3 were going to be very different if the show hadn't been shortened. I think the entire, "Graye being revealed to be a basilisk" idea had to be cut, and due to that, that's why we got what we got.
Simple as that!
OOF that took WAY too long than it needed to. Can't think of anything else, so I'm gonna end it here!
What are your thoughts? May I actually be onto something, or was this just a big ol' waste of time! lol
What do you agree and/or disagree with? Make sure to tell me in the comments! Can't wait to see what you all have to say!