When we last left off on our heroes' adventures in the Boiling Isles, Luz had just destroyed the portal door back to the human realm and Lilith and Eda had had their curse split between them. What happens next? You silly, you already know, but you won't let that stop you from listening to MY commentary! YOU HAVE NO CHOICE! *Pulls out a gun.* NO ONE'S LEAVING UNTIL I SAY THEY'RE LEAVING!
Anyways... let's get started with Season 2!
"My ex-wife still misses me... but her aim is getting better!"
Grunkle Stan sure wasn't lying about that.
"At least my image still commands RESPECT!"
Lilith, I don't think you should be operating the carriage with that poster of your replacement as face of the Emperor's Coven stuck to your face.
Okay, so since this is kind of a seafaring episode, prepare for the info-dumping on boats!
Design-wise, this ship is quite similar to the classic sailing ships of centuries past, but with some steampunk elements added to it, in addition to a bulbous bow like those found on modern ships today. Overall, very well fits the look of the Boiling Isles. And considering the ship is owned by the Emperor's Coven, it makes sense that Belos, who last checked in around the human realm in the 17th century, would commission ships based on the designs he would have been familiar with in his time.
If I had a nickel for every show I watched that had a character named Salty who had this whole pirate theme going on...
I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but, yadda yadda yadda, you know the rest.
"A good friend would respect her wishes... but a beeeetter friend would help no matter what!"
"Take her to sea, Mr. Murdoch... let's stretch her legs!"
This shot where the camera flies over the ship with this awesome sea shanty-style music playing in the background is really awesome.
"I HAVE MANY DEBTS!" proclaims this random member of the crew.
Okay, time for more ship nerd Aubergine... how come the boilers are on the top decks? Usually they're down at the very bottom of the hull, where they are located pretty much adjacent to the engines that they provide steam for, which in turn, turn the propellers. This handy cross-section of an Olympic-class ocean liner will show you what I mean:
But hey... it's a Boiling Isles ship, they can build their ships however they want.
This face. Just this face.
If anything, fire on ships is an even greater danger than taking on water. Sinking is one thing... sinking while on FIRE is a whole other thing.
Here's a little thing I really like: the sailors taking their hats off in respect. Likely for their fallen comrades, but knowing sailor types, it could also be in respect to the ships themselves that were lost before them.
And... Eda just set off an explosion in what appears to be the general area of the ship's boilers.
Boiler explosions are no laughing matter, Eda!
Come to think of it... this ship having its boilers on the top decks proved to actually be a good design choice in this scenario, because when you've got boilers down in the bowels of a ship that blow up... yeah, that's not good.
Oh yeah, I was so busy info-dumping about ships I forgot this guy made his speaking debut. Hello Hunter, you sure have a long way to go as a character, don't you?
"Knock knock, human."
Notice how he's looking AT the camera when he says that. He's not saying it to Luz, or any other human for that matter... he's saying it to YOU!
Although in retrospect, it makes very little sense considering he's a human himself.
Ahh, here we are, we finally meet Odalia and Alador in person... you can see just how much misery Alador is in spending his life with that woman.
It's ironic how all throughout Season 1, Eda was teaching Luz magic, but now the tables have turned, and it's Luz who has to teach Eda magic now. In fact, this whole episode's B-plot involves Eda being impatient to learn more spells, much like how Luz was not so long ago! Once again... the tables have turned.
Also, I love Lilith being such an enthusiastic student.
Gus: "We'll get back into Hexside or die trying!"
Willow: "Nobody's dying, Gus."
Gus: "Not with that attitude, they're not!"
Welp... just gonna add that one to Bump's ever-expanding list of crimes.
Yep... I think this is when we first see that Luz has feelings for Amity as well. Up to this point, she's been pretty oblivious to how Amity acts around her... not that Amity was doing a good job of hiding it, though.
This is the look of a completely sane individual.
These images don't do it justice... you have to WATCH the actual scene, complete with the SOUND EFFECTS, to truly understand the horrors.
Aww... what an adorable tyrant!
"Special delivery...
(Also, Hooty's voice briefly changes into Grunkle Stan's at the utterance of the word "pain", as he is, of course, voiced by Alex Hirsch.)
What did I tell ya... Hooty's mere existence is a violation of that darn Geneva Convention.
Ah, I love Lilith being a history nerd. King is going through this emotional recollection, meanwhile she's just taking pictures.
King dubs his guardian creature "Jean-Luc". First Francois, now Jean-Luc... it seems King likes his "minions" to have French names. He really does have a Napoleon complex (although Napoleon was average height for his time).
And this is where a young Eda found the portal door. Later, at the beginning of "For the Future", this is the exact same spot where the Hexsquad returns to the Boiling Isles.
As part of her plan to cure Eda, Gwendolyn drops this giant crystal on her... of course.
I love the delivery of this line:
"Help. Mama. Up."
Lives rent-free in my head.
As it turns out, Gwendolyn was scammed by someone who claimed to offer "alternative healing". Actually a really good lesson from this episode; showing that it's not a wise decision to use "alternative" medicine, but at the same time, acknowledging that there are people like Gwendolyn who genuinely mean well but don't know any better.
I really liked this scene... Gwendolyn saying that the curse is a part of who Eda is, and that she should love every part of who Eda is. Not gonna lie... since I have autism, that can be a curse sometimes, but hey, what am I gonna do about it, eh? That was honestly a message I liked hearing.
These two warmed up to each other very quickly. Their friendship really is such a wonderful thing.
And lastly... this ominous shot showing that an IMPOSTOR has been living with Camila!
I love how dark and foreboding this impostor Luz appears, when in reality she just turns out to be, well... Vee!
Do you think King's character development was undermined in "Reaching Out"? He told Warden Wrath that one of the reasons for why he has to help Eda is because he stole his crown, but that wasn't a good reason. That was just a poor excuse. King should've just gotten over it since that was a long time ago or a while ago. He got a replacement crown and Eda told him that he was never the king of demons. Since he got a new crown, which he happily accepted, from Luz and learned that he was never the king of demons from Eda, then he should've just let go of Warden Wrath stealing his crown and move on already.
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...the silence is your answer.
Quote mod aside, The Owl House x Mass Effect again, XD
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dude literally has his head and body all from one episode 💀
Episode: Season 2 Ep 3 "Echoes Of The Past"
Scene: 13:36
I think Eda might have fibbed about either King's collar or how she came to find King. What are the odds that the same collar she says "that's what you do when you get a new pet" is what hid King from only The Collector's sight in the episode King's Tide? Something seems standoffish about the events of her story and recent events.
But King and possibly his blood are the key to the outcome of the Boiling Aisles. Look at the tower door it's a keyhole haha (images copyright Disney; no infringement intended).
Even the collar matches the symbols around the Tower. What are the odds and where did she get the collar?... Unless circle is how you spell King in demon language lol.
Even the ceiling of King's crib area matches the collar symbol.
Maybe King's collar is the jewel from the Giant Titan crown?
Maybe that crown is the key to the King's growth spurt or the Bat Queen? Who I hope is interrogated in season 3 for answers about the grand staff and if she belonged to the Giant Titan/King's Dad.
The Collector will go after King in Season 3 since as the so-called Grand Huntsman he ordered Titan Trapper Island to hunt the last titan (Episode: S2 Ep17 "Edge Of The World").
Another theory, I wonder if the original army for the Giant Titan is the same Golden Guard in the present time. Also if the bones around The Collector in that scene with King in King's Tide are that army too. Although the helmets are not the same below, they seem to have a parallel concept. Also, I doubt Philip had that much of an army before Luz arrived but there are so many bones and helmets in The Collector's lair...And The Collector did say Philip liked to make them only to destroy them. So I am split on that theory.
Lastly, King is either a descendent of the Giant Titan or if he is the son he could have been an egg for thousands of years before he hatched. So like Baby Yoda. Looks like a helpless baby but is a lot older and stronger than everyone around him. I bring that up because The Giant Titan is the Boiling Aisles. The Boiling Aisles must have formed long ago. I doubt it makes any sense to have the Giant Titan taken down during the 'Deadwardian Era' when Philip arrived to the Boiling Aisles with his brother. Because the Boiling Aisles existed during their 'Hecktaceous Period' (demon dinosaur period). Unless the demon realm was originally a Pangea that was eventually broken hence the different parts of the demon world.
One more thing, maybe all the larger titans are from the Hecktaceous Period and it takes a long time or magic for them to grow? The bones look like T Rexes lol.
Ok, the last thing I swear...could that grand staff be the actual key to King's tower? King activated the door to his crib room but who isn't to say that the tower still has so much magic within. Clearly, King commands his guards who have survived good knows how long.
I know it's all over the place but was anyone else curious about any of this?
We learned how Eda meet King for the very first time.
(Artwork By Dana, aka the Creator, this promo was from last year)
Found this funny fan art and wanted to share it here.
It alludes to the episode "Echoes of the Past".
In Echoes of the Past, when Eda sees the note left by King (saying that he was going to go to his real castle) and reads it, she says "OH NO NOT AGAIN". This implies that the bone furry has tried doing something like this before
This season has kept expanding on hooty’s anatomy and I fear what’s next
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He was the king of demons, who knew how to do magic. When Emperor Belos heard about this, he captured him. As he was being pulled away, he shouted “son!” Since the emperor was going to destroy the egg. So he used his magic to create a guardian. The guardian wouldn’t let the emperor get through. And so, Belos left, knowing that he at least had the King.
Yes it’s awfully specific.
Its been a while sence I was here butttttttt I have no theories but I have only one
Im not completely sure if many of y’all have watched the 3rd ep of the s2 and I am wondering after watching and re-watching and questioning every bit I’ve seen in that one but here’s my thoughts
When king said he heard a roar from in his egg he heard the words “son” and in the pictures that where in graved onto the walls that may have been his father; in another in graved drawing on the wall you can see that the figure that looks like king is fighting off a beast or demon of sort all that saw the figure that looks like king (in a way) can see he has shooting stars and meteors to defeat the beast. If you know the youtubers (round table and Charles J. Thomas) I feel like they’re both the same lane as I am thinking that king might be the son of the titan or the mystery figure in the drawings and also I think that he might be a celestial god. (Okay the celestial god part is a bit much and I sorta agree with Charles J. Thomas but I also think it might not be it?)
Well I’d like to some of y’all’s thought and theories and review on the 3rd ep. and for now I go back and sign off good night/day/or after noon!