I really miss the days of just going nuts with the analysis ... Like, when hollow mind came out, I zoomed in on every single painting in the background to try and piece together Phillip's story.
13 Votes in Poll
13 Votes in Poll
I really miss the days of just going nuts with the analysis ... Like, when hollow mind came out, I zoomed in on every single painting in the background to try and piece together Phillip's story.
I have eaten my pudding and am now ready to thoroughly retrospect. Mmm, pudding... okay, I'll have more pudding later, but first: retrospective-ing.
Aaaaaaand... Beefy Bob has been petrified. His death truly shook me the most out of all the characters.
Rest in peace, Beefy Bob.
"A real man never takes accountability!"
Oh, so these three were friends once. I can't help but wonder what caused the rift between Alador and Darius... probably something to do with Odalia, I'm sure.
Principal Faust: Even more of a menace to children than Bump. I respect that. Throws children in the detention pit for being late for being early (it's the start of a slippery slope to being late) and can and will expel children for reasons such as chewing too loudly or having shoes that aren't the right amount of squeaky (too squeaky is annoying... but not squeaky enough, you can't hear them coming).
I like this guy.
"I thought there'd be more!"
If all else fails... go with arson. That's right kids, I'm promoting arson.
"Welcome... to HECK!"
Terra is informed that child murder is illegal.
But in the immortal words of Stanley Pines:
"When there's no cops around, anything's legal!"
This smelly hippie guy really reminds me of Mr. Small from The Amazing World of Gumball.
"Hippies? I hate hippies! Get back to the damn cartoon already! AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- !"
Sorry about that, I've been keeping Mr. Nixon's head in my basement, he must have escaped. Well, he's society's problem now. Now, where were we?
Back in Season 1, we saw this gelatinous guy (as an adult) working as a food vendor on the street... Eda may or may not have had a hand in ruining his life with that prank.
Eda meets Raine for the first time, and they show her how to make crappy juice taste better using bard magic. Turns out, this trick is also useful to keep them from being brainwashed by Terra's tea.
This scene really appealed to the more juvenile side of my sense of humor... in other words: haha, butt.
"This is HECK, people! LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!"
Then immediately afterwards, she says:
"I would've been such a good mum."
She's a danger to children... by this point, you should know already that I greatly respect that.
To quote Stanley Pines again:
But ironically enough, for the second time in this series, Terra actually helps the protagonists, in this case by putting in a good word for both Eda and Bump to Faust.
Once again... Raine is using their special whistling trick to keep from being drugged by Terra. We saw them do this back in "Follies at the Coven Day Parade", which was a blink-and-you-miss-it detail in that episode, but here, it's revealed just how important this little trick of Raine's is.
Huh... that ain't good.
Why would Belos want to drain magic? Well...
...you're about to find out.
Gee, I wonder who they are... in case you couldn't tell, it's Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf. This is the first time we actually see that Raine has been working with Darius, although this won't be properly revealed until "O Titan, Where Art Thou?"
Well... I guess you could say that's one... hollow mind.
*Insert booing here.*
Raine runs into a communication barrier with Darius when trying to describe Hooty... Hooty defies description.
"THE WILD WITCHES! THEY'VE FOUND ME!" says Belos to a crowd of wild witches (because no one's in a coven yet).
Of course, like the great politician he is, he's full of utter rubbish, as that little fireworks show was really being put on by...
...this early Golden Guard, who, on Belos' orders, then sets off the remaining explosives, causing God knows how much damage offscreen, and likely claiming some innocent lives as well. It's actually genuinely disturbing.
"Look at how I have destroyed- I mean- wild magic has destroyed your town!"
In yet another disturbing scene, another early Golden Guard remarks that those who have been rendered unconscious by the sigils are still alive. Belos says that in that case, they still have work to do, and the two walk off, leaving these people to die.
At long last, we meet the cosmic iPad kid entity. Hello, Collector.
The Collector thinks Belos enjoys creating and then killing "those things". Belos says it hurts every time "he" chooses to betray him.
The Collector probably takes all the killing so lightly because, as shown in "Watching and Dreaming", they view mortals as playthings and have no idea what death means for them.
And Belos, it seems, is deluding himself into thinking that each grimwalker he creates is the "ideal" Caleb... only for each one to end up rebelling against him.
Jesus Christ... all the palisman souls he's ever absorbed... and they're all just withering away.
What makes this even scarier is that for the only time in the series, we, the audience, can HEAR the palismen talking, warning Luz and Hunter to stay away from the Inner Belos. To think, these are all sentient beings... I think it goes without saying that any last shred of humanity Belos had within him is long gone.
Belos takes this one palisman out of the withering mass of palisman souls and crushes it for Hunter to see... part of me wonders if this was meant to foreshadow Flapjack's eventual fate.
And... I think this is the moment Luz officially becomes traumatized... the moment she finds out that she unwittingly helped the greatest evil on the Boiling Isles. Genuinely, imagine being in that situation.
I think my single favorite line in the whole episode would be:
"Please... do me a kindness... and call me by my REAL name."
When Hooty briefly turns into the Hootinator here, he speaks in a deep voice that sounds almost exactly like Grunkle Stan (once again... this is Alex Hirsch doing the voice, of course).
I honestly like the idea that Hooty, when trying to put on a deep voice, sounds like Grunkle Stan.
King suggests using the last of the Titan's blood on Amity's glove to help get Luz and Hunter out of Belos' mind, marking the third and last time Amity's glove from "Eclipse Lake" is used as a "Chekhov's Gun", after "Yesterday's Lie" and "Elsewhere and Elsewhen".
Philip/Belos claims he'll do anything to save humanity from "evil". But as the Titan himself says, all he cares about is being the hero of his own delusion.
He really is such an interesting character to me, and a villain I absolutely love to hate. That's what makes this episode my favorite, because what better way to go into a villain's mind than to actually go into their mind? Kind of like what the episode "Not What He Seems" was to Gravity Falls, this episode was the big game-changer. Because if you thought Belos was evil before seeing this episode, well... you sure as hell ain't seen nothing yet.
And here's the exact moment poor Hunter became traumatized too. I mean, among other things, he did see this...
But not only that, his entire worldview has been flipped on his head. And now he's in fear for his life, as Belos knows he's been in his mind.
Welp... trauma is 100% guaranteed on a one-way excursion into Belos' mind.
And that's what I have to say about "Hollow Mind". It is, in my opinion, The Owl House's greatest episode. Watching this one is always the highlight for me whenever I rewatch the entire series. I really cannot properly put into words just how much I love this episode.
Jesus... he's got so much stuff in there that he's even harboring SOULS!
Captain Salty returns with his epic ship (that has its boilers on the top deck)! He says that he no longer works for the Golden Guard and that all his shipmates left him, leaving him to run the boat himself.
I refuse to believe he's running that ENTIRE SHIP himself. But hey, I guess it's magic.
"For that, you must beseech our elder, the wisest huntsman of us all... BILL!"
No Cipher, no one was talking about you, please stop possessing this post, or else I'll leave a bad review of your book online!
How... how did he not notice that the head of that Titan pinata looked a lot like his own?
Ah, here's Bill! According to him, he has scars older than Belos' reign as Emperor (which he'll gladly show you).
Another detail I find funny is that despite Tarak's claims that Bill is his best friend, the feeling certainly does not seem to be mutual on Bill's part.
The big moment of truth... King's been a Titan this whole time.
It's honestly really sad hearing King ask if he'll get to play catch after his "induction ceremony", not knowing that the Titan Trappers intend to murder him. Poor kid deserves so much better.
Ah, the Bill face reveal... dear God, he's hideous. Look, you can see his toothless gums!
Screw this, I'm letting other Bill possess this post again...
Thank you Cipher, that will do.
Aw, the poor kid. It's when he's sad that hurts the most... because he's basically just a little baby! And now he's been hit with the life-changing knowledge that he's a Titan and just survived a murder attempt by a gang of cultists bent on his species' total eradication. Jesus Christ, the poor little guy needs a hug.
The dynamic duo meet for the first time.
What I really like about this episode is that, to those who view Gus as being on the autism spectrum, his big uncontrollable illusions in this episode can be viewed as an analogy to having a meltdown. And Willow, teaching him a breathing trick to help him calm down, is a lot like how autistic people like myself will sometimes need to calm down after a meltdown. So... I can really relate to this episode, not gonna lie.
According to Hunter, when Gus asks him why he saves him from Adrian later in the episode, it was a really good sandwich.
I love how Adrian requires this entire film crew for his illusions. Like... what's the boom mic operator gonna do? It's a nice visual gag.
"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome to Five Nights at Freddy's, an indie horror game that you guys suggested- "
Going back to how Gus' illusion state can be compared to a meltdown... yep, being branded with a coven sigil would definitely be cause for a meltdown.
And Gus teaches Hunter the same calming down trick he learned from Willow. Many fans interpret Hunter as being on the autism spectrum as well. And while nothing is confirmed, as an autistic person, this episode just makes me really happy.
Having your students fight with you is definitely a safety hazard, Bump... but this time, I feel it's warranted.
I joke about Bump a lot, but in all seriousness, he really does seem like a genuinely good educator and protector of his students in times like these.
And... Gus' illusions are making Adrian relive all his worst memories... haha, he deserves it!
And now, Hunter is trying the same calming-down trick Gus told him.
This was a really good Gus episode, in my opinion. In the midst of his meltdown he keeps berating himself for his mistakes, and honestly, I do the same thing too if I have a meltdown, which makes it all the more heartwarming for me when Hunter helps him out of it.
Gus takes the magic amplifier off of Adrian's unconscious body... definitely gonna be handy later.
Pfft- look at his derpy face!
Well... that's it... we're down to the final 3 episodes of Season 2. Things are about to get real. But until then... I'm tired, and I want pudding.
Hollow mind is one of the top 2 episodes that made me a person I didn't want to be. It made me realize horrible things I won't go into much detail because I go into a lot of details and bearly anyone understands me when I waffle
Chapter hub: https://theowlhouse.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000195081
“He's... a better version of an old friend. But, thanks to you, I'll have to make another one.” Belos chided as he morphed from appearing like Philip to looking like the Emperor everyone knew him as.
“But... why? Why go through all this?” Luz begged.
“I'll do anything to save humanity from evil.” the monster answered plainly, grabbing a Golden Guard mask off the ground.
“No,” Luz stated, shaking her head, “You’re evil”
“Well,” Belos shrugged, dropping the mask to his feet, “Can’t reason with crazy,”
In a flash, Belos’ arm transformed into abomination-like slime, shaping his hand into a scythe. The blade came directly through her chest. Hunter hadn’t saved her.
Luz could feel herself collapsing.
“And I thought that maybe we could have gotten along,” Belos said over her dying body, “Oh well, I suppose that’s what I get for thinking a heretic like you could ever amount to anything,”
Luz opened her eyes. She was in her bedroom. She glanced at the clock, it was four-thirty in the morning.
This was the third night in a row where she had had visions of that night in her head. The third night in a row where she woke up in a cold sweat and was too exhausted to get up. The third night in a row where Luz spent half the night staring at the ceiling, praying that her eyes would shut. The nightmare always went the same way, it was just like how it had really gone, but Hunter never saved her.
They never shut, because why would they? By the time her alarm went off that morning, Luz was almost paralyzed by fatigue, the thing blasted in her ears for what felt like hours before she could finally muster the energy to move her hand a few feet to turn it off. There was no way she was going to school today, not after the third night of nightmare-induced insomnia.
A few minutes later, Luz heard a knock on the door.
“Luz?” It was Eda’s voice, “Kiddo, trust me, I get not wanting to go to school, but this seems unlike you. Is everything alright?”
Luz groaned with fatigue. It must’ve been heard through the door, because Eda quickly responded, “Do you really think you can fake being sick or tired so you can play hooky?”
Eda opened the door.
“Oh,” was all that escaped her mouth. Luz understood why, she probably looked almost as shitty as she felt.
Eda swiftly moved to Luz’s bedside. “What’s wrong, kid?” asked the concerned Owl Lady.
“Couldn’t sleep…” Luz softly moaned.
“Why not?”
“...nightmare…” Luz muttered.
“Well, you’re safe here Luz,” Eda whispered, “Try to get some sleep, you look like you really need it,”
And with that, Eda left her.
Luz tried to sleep, but it didn’t go well, as to be expected. After what felt like forever, she gave up and dragged herself out of bed. There was someone she knew who had experience with bad dreams, so she was going to find them.
Harry’s eyes were already heavy as he climbed the ladder into Professor Trelawney’s classroom. He, Ron, and Hermione had been practicing stunning spells on each other all morning. The heavy perfume wasn’t helping. Nor was the light breeze. Almost as soon as he took a seat, his eyelids drooped…
He was riding on an eagle owl, soaring through the clear blue sky in wonderful sunlight. He was flying directly towards an old, vine-draped house. The owl flew lower and lower toward the house, eventually, it flew in through a dark window on the top story of the house. It flew further and further inside the house, eventually leading Harry to a gloomy-looking room at the end of a seemingly endless hallway. Harry leaped off the back of the owl. He was now watching as it fluttered across the room into a chair with its back to Harry. There were two dark shapes on the floor beside the chair.
One was a huge snake, and the other was a short and balding man. He was wheezing and sobbing on the rug.
“You are in luck, Wormtail,” said a cold, high-pitched voice from the depths of the chair the owl had fluttered into. “You are very fortunate indeed. Your blunder has not ruined everything. He is dead.”
“Nagini,” The voice continued, “You are out of luck. I will not be feeding Wormtail to you after all. But never mind that, there is still Harry Potter.”
The snake hissed, and Harry noticed its tongue fluttering.
“Now, Wormtail. Perhaps you need a little reminder why I will not tolerate another blunder from you.”
“My Lord,” The voice begged, “Please… no… I beg of you…”
The tip of a wand emerged from the chair. It was pointed directly at Wormtail. “Crucio,” said the cruel voice.
Wormtail screamed as though every nerve in his body was on fire, the screaming filled Harry’s ears as the scar on his forehead seared with pain; he was yelling too, Voldemort would hear him, would know he was there…
“Harry! Harry! ”
Harry opened his eyes. He was lying on the floor of Professor Trelawney’s classroom. His scar was burning so badly that his eyes were watering. The entire class was standing around him, and Ron was kneeling next to him, looking terrified.
“You alright?” He asked.
“Of course, he isn’t!” exclaimed Professor Trelawney, looking far too excited.
“What was it, Potter? A premonition? An apparition? What did you see?”
“Nothing” Harry lied, sitting up. He couldn’t stop himself from looking around, into the shadows behind him. Voldemort’s voice had sounded so close…
“You were clutching your scar!” Professor Trelawney said, “You were rolling on the floor, clutching your scar! Come on now, Potter, I have experience in these matters!”
“I need to go to the hospital wing, I think,” He said, “Bad headache,”
“My dear, you were undoubtedly stimulated by the extraordinary clairvoyant vibrations of my room!” Trelawney exclaimed, “If you leave now, you may lose the opportunity to see-”
“The only thing I want to see is a headache cure,” Harry snapped as he grabbed his bag and headed for the trapdoor.Harry had no real intention to go to the Hospital Wing,. Sirius had told him what to do if his scar acted up again, so Harry planned to follow that advice. He was going to go find Dumbledore.
He started sprinting toward the stone gargoyle that guarded the entrance to Dumbledore’s office. He was almost there when…
“Ow!” someone yelled, “Watch where you’re going!”
Harry looked around, he had accidentally bumped into Luz, who was now on the ground. How hard did I hit her? Harry wondered. She had heavy bags under her eyes, and her hair was a mess. She looked worse than Hermione had during final exams last year.
“Oh, Harry! You’re just who I’m looking for!” She realized, dusting off her knees and starting to stand, which was about as successful as Neville’s attempts in potions.
“Woah,” She said as her legs wobbled so much she fell again, “You know what? I think I’ll stay on the ground for a while. Anyway, Harry, can I talk with you?”
“Can it wait?” Harry stapped angrily, “I need to see Dumbledore,”
“Harry, you said that if any of us had bad dreams, or heard voices, to talk to you,” Luz said, “So I took that advice,”
“Look, can it wait? I really need to see Dumbledore,” Harry insisted.
“Why do you need to see him?”
“Same reason you need to see me,” Harry admitted under his breath.
“Then maybe I can come with you!” Luz exclaimed.
“Err,” Harry paused, he couldn’t think of a way to talk her out of it, especially one that would work on someone as stubborn as Luz.
“Sure, I guess,” Harry finally said.
Luz yawned, “Could you help me up?”
Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her off of the floor, “Need me to help balance you?”
Luz nodded. So Harry let her lean on him.
They finally reached the stone gargoyle, and that was when Harry realized he still didn’t know the password.
“Sherbet Lemon?” He tried tentatively.
Unsurprisingly, the gargoyle did not move.
“Okay…” Harry said, trying to think of what else it could be, “Pear drop, err… Liquorice Wand, Fizzing Whizzbee, Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum,”
“Harry, what in the world are you trying to do?” Luz asked.
“Trying to guess the password,” He said.
“And you think it’s going to be a candy?”
“Well, it was ‘Sherbet Lemon’ two years ago,” He admitted.
“Then try Muggle candies,” Luz said plainly, “Hershey’s Chocolate, Gushers, Butterfinger, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Almond Joy, Jolly Ranchers-”
The gargoyle practically leaped out of place, allowing the two champions entrance.
“Jolly Ranchers?” Luz muttered, “Good to know,”
Harry walked to the foot of a stone spiral staircase. “Here, Luz, you should take the railing, not me.” He offered, swapping sides with her.
But instead of actually having to climb the stairs, they brought them up like a set of escalators, eventually bringing them up to a polished oak door with a brass door-knocker.
Harry could hear voices coming from inside the office, so he placed his ear up against the door to eavesdrop.
“Dumbledore, I’m afraid I don’t see the connection, I don’t see it at all!” said the voice of the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, “Ludo says that Bertha’s perfectly capable of getting herself lost. I agree we would have expected to have found her by no, but all the same, we’ve no evidence of foul play, Dumbledore, none at all. As for her disappearance being linked to Barty Crouch’s!”
“And just what do you think happened to Barty Crouch, Minister?” Moody’s growling voice pestered.
“I see two possibilities, Alastor,” said Fudge, “Either Crouch has finally cracked - which I’m sure you’ll agree is more than likely, given his personal history - lost his mind, and gone wandering off somewhere-”
“He must have wandered rather quickly if that is to be the case,” Dumbledore said calmly.
“Or else… well…” Fudge sounded embarrassed, “Well, I’ll reserve judgment until after I’ve seen the place where he was found. Which was just past the Beauxbatons carriage, correct? Dumbledore, do you know what kind of woman their Headmistress is?”
“A very capable one,” Dumbledore quietly replied, “And an excellent dancer to boot,”
“Dumbledore, come on!” Fudge irately insisted, “Don’t you think you’re a little biased in her favor thanks to that oaf you hired for a groundskeeper? They aren’t all harmless, if, that is, you consider Hagrid harmless, with that monster obsession he’s got,”
“I no more suspect Madame Maxime than I do Hagrid,” said Dumbledore, still very calm, “I think it is possible you might be prejudiced against them, Cornelius.”
“Can we wrap this up?” Moody growled.
“Yes, let’s go finish this down on the grounds,” Fudge said impatiently.
“No, that’s not it,” Moody said, “It’s just that Potter and Noceda seem to want a word with you, Dumbledore. They’re just outside the door,”
Oh boy... This is gonna trigger a lot of Luz Fans. Yeah, It's Luz's fault for indirectly setting everything in motion, dooming The Boiling Isles to almost mass execution and to becoming playthings for The Collector. And I know what Hunter said and you're gonna say, "It's not her fault, Belos/Philip tricked her." Or "If she wasn't there, Belos/Philip would've found someone else to trick." And that right there 'If she wasn't there, Belos/Philip would've found someone else to trick', that wouldn't happen. Back then, pretty much everyone hated Philip, and so he won't be able to trick or manipulate anyone. And even if he solved the door puzzle, the monster behind it would quickly eat him. I like to introduce you all to a basic paradox called, The Bootstrap Paradox.
The Bootstrap paradox (scientifically dubbed Causal Loops) is a Time Travel-based Paradox involving a person, object or piece of information being trapped in a infinite-cause loop within the flow of time. Here it has no origin or end point. Now let's look at Elsewhere and Elsewhen, where Luz and Lilith go back in time an unfortunately help Philip to find the imprisoned Collector and establish the Emperor's Coven and turn the isles into a social Darwinistic society. Also, it's the domino effect, and that word INDIRECTLY means it's an unforeseen consequences of Luz's actions. If Luz had not gone back in time and accidentally helped Belos/Philip form his plan, then the coven system wouldn't have been existed. It had directly caused Lilith to find the owl curse and cursed Eda out of jealousy and desperate, and also cause Eda to run away and found the doorway to the Human Realm. Though that would have led to Luz to inevitably find the Demon Realm and continue causal loop. So yeah, Luz's existence is a Bootstrap Paradox. And if she had never followed Eda's Palisman Owlbert, the Causal loop would have been broken, Belos/Phillip wouldn't rise to power, there won't be the Emperor's Coven, Eda would be curse free, The Collector won't have been found or freed, and everyone would be happy and safe.
The memory portraits from Hollow Mind, when placed in order, give us a glimpse into everyone’s least favorite antagonistic British sludge mound: Belos!
Now let’s see here…
Ah, that’s cute! Happy memories of little Phillip and his brother, Caleb! Heartwarming little guys… hope nothing bad happens to them!
Aw, acting like the grown ups! How cute! You’ll get there, Phillip… eventually…
Carving a mask for his brother? That’s sweet! Man, Caleb is a pretty nice guy.
Ah, practicing for days to come… playing around in the roles of adults… oh, the joys of childhood.
Finally part of the club. The gang. Hunt those witches, guys! Woo!
Ooh, older brother’s venturing into the unknown! Scary… cool! How does Phillip feel about this, I wonder?
Leaving Phillip behind, eh?
Oh my gosh, what a beautiful landscape! Phillip’s lucky to have seen this in all it’s beauty… marvelous…
Ooh, timeskip! Phillip’s got a beard now. Wait… did Caleb get married? Awwww!
Oh… oh my… wait, that’s… oh jeez… no…
…oh… brothers together again!
Wait… what’s Phillip holding behind his…
What… what’s happening here now?
Oh no…
Oh no no no no no…
Could Philip Wittebane actually be William Afton? But hey, that's just a theory.
I'm sorry, this post was cringe.
most of this stuff is oldish
Hunter looks so goofy
that ref looks goofier tho 💀
(A hot take is a controversial or unpopular opinion [at least I think someone please correct me if I’m wrong] if you are wondering)
It can be anything and however many you want but at least one has to be TOH related
But please, do not force your ideas onto other people or claim your opinions as the “correct opinion”, it’s rude. You can still discuss or debate an opinion as long as you’re not going to be rude about it
I’ll go first (I guess this can also be an example):
I personally find Hollow Mind to be quite boring to watch, it’s not a bad episode in any way however I just didn’t find it interesting after about 7 minutes of watching. Definitely an overrated episode in my eyes.
I hate Hunter. I do not know why. (Hunter being in Hollow Mind did not make the episode boring, nor is he the reason I dislike it.)
Crystallized (s16 I think) isn’t that bad, yes there were some bad parts (like Harumi’s “redemption” ugh) but there were a lot of good parts too and honestly crystal villains are kind of cool
Yeah that’s it lol
I think this goes in Polls, Fanwork, and Fun but I’m not sure
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33 Votes in Poll