Which coven would you choose to study when it comes to magic?
Which coven would you choose to study when it comes to magic?
It was just a regular magic, which Belos/Philip lied to scare the witches into thinking it under a term of wild magic is dangerous and poisoned their minds against one another.
If so/not, can it/would it also possess abominations? Since Oracle magic can summon spirits.
Pick any two superpowers
The rules are this
They can’t be overpowered ones ie reality warping or stuff like the infinity gauntlet
Magic like the stuff in the show is allowed
That is all have fun
A while ago someone said that they think hunter would like Jason Derulo's music so I drew hunter holding a boombox outside of willow's window blasting the song "the other side". Luz is holding the flashlight to make it look like hunter is in the spotlight and Gus is doing back up vocals and illusions such as fog, sparkles, and cool sunglasses for hunter.
This took me at least a week. I started drawing then I lost motivation because Yaaaaaaaaay depression
After the petrification ceremony, Eda has no magic, right? But Hunter doesn't either, but he still was able to use Flapjack. Eda has Owlbert, so why didn't she use him? The entirety of season two could've been so much easier if they had thought about that. I know that a lot of the events wouldn't have happened, but still! Is it just different with her? I mean, she should still be able to use her staff. Hunter doesn't even have a bile sack and he was still able to use Flapjack, Eda does! She just lost her magic!
This is just a thought though; I'm probably overthinking this lol. This is what happens when you have way too much time on your hands...
Which Philip &/or Belos totally gonna like that lol!
From this link- https://www.facebook.com/groups/841476839691876/posts/1637875630051989/
I have a theory that explains nearly every weird thing about the boiling isles world, and it's easier if I get straight to the point:
As we know, the witches and demons were all born from the titan (King's dad) due to titan blood being extremely powerful, and these origins are why magic comes from a sac connected to their heart and why said witches can connect with the palistrom trees. However, there are two things about this that bothered me until now.
1: If all of this life comes from titans corpses, why is it that the other one Luz and King went to (Which Tarak says is on "the other side of the world") had the exact same creatures, witches?
2: If the creatures on the isles are so similar to the titans, why are they so humanoid instead of doglike or even titanlike?
Well, after putting the two problems together I found a common explanation. The Collector ALSO played a part in the origins of the life in the demon realm. They're the reason the wood on the place can be turned into animals, and the citizens are intelligent humanoid cloth-wearing creatures despite only existing for a few millennia because the Collector indirectly forced the evolution of the wildlife to be like him.
What this means as well is that ALL land life on this planet came from the same titan corpse (Which so far checks out as well, because while "The other side of the world" is an informational comment, it also tells us that the titan trappers know that anyone who gets to them came from King's dad) and even the creatures who were otherwise monsters could evolve to be humanoid (Braxus, eyeball girl, the warden, principle filch, etc prove this).
It gets better, as it partly explains WHY the titan trappers worship the Collector, as in their eyes they are worshiping their literal creator (albeit accidental on his part). It also explains why all witches, sigil or no sigil, are able to make objects levitate with their magic, why everything speaks english, and why illusion magic is a thing despite titans absolutely not having that (The fact that Titan Luz never uses it only proves what already seemed obvious). I could go on and on about this, but I want to know what anyone else thinks.
Anyone else notice that the plant glyph looks a lot like the Taurus astrology sign and that's a earth sign???
This is the sign ♉
Here are some of my favorite things about the show (toh):
-Maturity (ending of season 1 - season 2)
Some of the things I don't like:
-Useless eps (mostly season 1)
-Childish (season 1)
-Some plots clash with others and end up not making sense
-little explanation of magic (besides glyphs)
-(there is more but I can't think of them)
So do you guys wondering that gigantic heart in belos's throne for each appearance we see since season one we know that heart was it was the titan heart.
The titan hearts was an gigantic organ that was an sizes of the house which it was huge and it's alive.
Back on intruder eda mention magic came from the bile sac from the hearts of the witches and demons to cast spells of their own however the titan heart generates titan magic take back thank to them and for the future we believe that reason the magic glyphs are made of titan magic create from it's blood.
I had a theory that when titan corpses form the landmass had generate their hearts to create life across the demon realm and glyphs are being made in the first place because blood was made of titan in the past witches and demons used to cast titan glyph magic through the four elements fire ice plant and light however when witches and demons had gain their own magic bile sac from their hearts the glyph are remain forgotten until it was been rediscovered by philip and later luz.
On for the future king and the clawthorne sisters know that titan magic can cancel the effects of the collector magic since our collector's weakness which it become a important part of the final episode.
In the final episode we discover that boiling isles's titan heart was locate in belos's throne room at the emperor's castle but I know why because belos had a dark plan to destroy the demon realm was to becoming the titan by possessing it's heart which it will had an dire effect on the lands poisoning it and spread blight and decay will wipe out of all life on the boiling isles and worse he use the titan's remains as his own host body.
Look back to the delete video show that when the titan raise up on the boiling sea and entering the human realm it was turn out it will foreshadows belos's final resort in the series finale.
In his final resort he will destroy everyone on the boiling isles so he will become the titan or even it means to take them all down with him for his attempt to save mankind from witchcraft but our heroes will had to stop belos however because if they do what if they defeat belos along with the titan heart will cut off the titan magic source on the boiling isles however luz and her allies will discover an alterative plan to destroy belos without destroying the titan heart.