Do you think it's somewhat insulting that the Abominable Cutie Pie, of all characters, was shown in the final group shot instead of Warden Wrath or Braxas or Kikimora or Mike Socks or even Jean-Luc?
Do you think it's somewhat insulting that the Abominable Cutie Pie, of all characters, was shown in the final group shot instead of Warden Wrath or Braxas or Kikimora or Mike Socks or even Jean-Luc?
Do you think Lilith Clawthorne's white raven palisman and Jean-Luc should've appeared in the final group shot in "Watching and Dreaming"?
So here's Lilith's palisman normally
Whats the name of Lilith's palisman?
39 Votes in Poll
I think it'd be better if it was named "Lilith's palisman" instead of "Raven staff". What do you guys think?
33 Votes in Poll