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Do you wish Vee got her very own spin-off miniseries? I wish she did because she's so cute and lovable and it would've been nice to see what she did at Reality Check Summer Camp.
Hey everyone, I know that Camila got a lot of hate in the beginning of this series for her sending Luz to Summer camp to be “re-educated” into a more “normal” person. After watching season 3, however, many have changed their tunes and acknowledged her decision after season the reasons why she did it, despite that many still don’t agree with what she did. I agree with the new sentiment, due understanding what she was going through and how the Gravesfield community strong-armed her into it.
However, there is one thing that I feel that she perhaps does deserve criticism for. While I understand why she made her decision to send Luz away, I feel like she did it in a very irresponsible manner in the first episode. I am mainly talking about the part where she sees Luz off to camp before she left for work. Camila’s attitude wasn’t very endearing. While she was trying to be supportive and encourage Luz to enjoy herself in her own way (which I don’t feel she would have at all), she wasn’t very sympathetic to her daughter who was clearly a unhappy. Instead she seemed, at least to me, to have been criticizing of her daughter and gently but firmly scolded her without offering any sympathy to her feelings. I think that was irresponsible of her to do, regardless of her reasons.
Also, I don’t think I didn’t like how callous she was about Luz throwing away her favorite book right in front of her. Instead she seemed happy that she did it. While this may sound a bit harsh, it can seem as callous and hypocritical on her part if we look at Yesterday’s Lies. In that episode, she was visibly saddened when it seemed Luz (actually Vee) was throwing away her book collection and all her other stuff. It can make you wonder why she was unnerved then when she wasn’t earlier.
Again I know she is a good person and she genuinely had good intentions. But I feel she should have had a better attitude and more sympathy towards her daughter. Instead she seemed unintentionally callous and condescending towards Luz, which I feel is another reason she ran away from home. Despite this, I don’t condemn her. Camila is a parent Ho has made mistakes but she is not abusive or uncaring. I just feel like she was initially an unwise parent, but it is really nice seeing her recognizing and trying to make up for her mistakes.
So they’re non binary (as you all know, I’m sure) and they’re parents (or guardian) sent them to a camp to “be normal”, let’s just consider the implications here
Cause I seen a video talks about Synanon that sends 'trouble' teens like Luz sent to similar camps- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdY8978DH5w