Scream at me in the replies
All tiers, except for the neutral tier (aka crude oil) are in order from best in the tier at the left, while the ones at the right are the worst in the tier
Also tinella nosa is not my #1
Who I drew:
Lilith and Hooty
Tinella Nosa
Hunter in Thanks to Them (I haven't got this far yet I've just seen YouTube videos of it)
They aren't great because I didn't want anyone to recognise the characters and tease me about liking TOH and I didn't have any references.
Do you consider "Sense and Insensitivity" not worth watching? In my opinion, it's not worth watching because it had nothing special to offer. It was just a typical fame story. King's fame doesn't last very long. He just goes back to his normal life. The same thing goes for Tinella Nosa. Even though she became a famous book publisher, it didn't stick because she went back to her normal life, as shown in her following appearances. Even though Piniet is a Magnificent Bastard, his character design is too goofy and not very creative or that it's just not creative at all. Eda's quest to find the Bloom of Eternal Youth was pointless since it was just a lie to lure her into a trap. Also, her relationship with Lilith has no chemistry since it turns out Cissy Jones has never met Wendie Malick in-person. Also, King's behavior towards Luz was uncharacteristic. He was portrayed as more of a jerk than usual. He's usually a laid-back jerk or something, but in that episode, he was portrayed as a much more arrogant and selfish jerk. He openly insulted Luz's ideas to her face and didn't care how she felt.
Isn't it weird that Tibbles, Tinella Nosa and Matt Tholomule are associated with one another when they should have no reason to be associated with one another based on their previous official episode appearances?
Do you think Boscha, Emira Blight, Katya and Tinella Nosa should've attended Eda Clawthorne's petrification ceremony in "Young Blood, Old Souls"?
53 Votes in Poll
Not saying I ship them but think about it
36 Votes in Poll
32 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
Idk why, it's just neat imo
Comment any you've found?
(He's ofc meant to look like the character in that scene because for a short amount of time the characters are realistic, so he has the same outfit, but aside from that he still looks pretty similar)
Yes I'm adding Tinella, sue me.
Even in the Movie where Eli is older, he still looks like the older version of his voice actor.
Not as similar as the others, but still looks pretty close to the cartoon character
What do you think of my fanart?
46 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll
Favorite: Amity Blight
Least Favorite: Tinella Nosa