Djsijezian as much as I enjoyed these I’m not really active here anymore so may I be I pinged please?
Nvm I think I’ll just leave now.
The chat threads get locked at night
Yeah but I’m dumb so I might not socialize until tonight
People really do seem to just vanish when the chat thread gets locked
I don’t really post or comment underthings anymore because I never know what to say. So I’m only active on my message wall and here
Oh it’s Saturday.
Well time for me to go missing for a week until the next chat is made
I feel like I came at a wrong time
So much is happening
Bro my sister is getting yelled at lmao
Btw I told my mom about me getting how my sister is complaining about when she gets dropped off and my mom yelled at her
^^ Go ahead. No one appreciates my existence, so I’m practically already dead. 😔
Damn what am I? I thought we were friends man /lhj
But seriously many people like Tom and I appreciate your existence
Sometimes I hate how I’m so sad all the time but my life is actually good. Yes my parents don’t support me but they do love me (idk about my dad-) and I have a good house, food and a dog. I have electronics and other stuff. Why am I sad?
And then I remember how I grew up starved of affection and always wanting attention because my dad was never around and my mom was always on her phone. Then I remember the batteries and all the lies they told me.
Me staring hopelessly at the boys who bully others for being gay knowing damn wel they’re just closeted and are about the fall down the right-wing pipeline due to an unbelievable amount of untouched internalised self-hatred inescapably reinforced by conservative and heteronormative standards and expectations
Oh that’s just my dad /mj
I think so?
I hate this feeling
I’m not happy I’m not sad
Idk this feeling but it’s weird
Yay I finished the doodles
I love how most of my sonas will eat anything and can eat anything but in reality I’m a really picky eater lmao-
I’m practicing my WH style along with drawing Dazzly
The wip
Hands are such a pain smh
I’m so booorreerd
That somg will forever be a banger on christmas
I feel embarrassed to admit it’s one of my favorite Christmas songs since I live the best and the memories I made while listening to that song
Driving around looking at Christmas lights with this music, screaming along to the music as I decorate my tree and just other Christmasy things
Also the vine
Why are you making me sing? I’m not even that good and I don’t wanna. Why are you- iiiii don’t want a lot for Christmas /ref
Retail workers: Wtf?
My aunt works at Walmart so she despises Christmas songs which is fair. She’s worked at Walmart for the past 10-20 years
I Don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
Sorry got the lyrics mixed up lmao
Oh no
All I want for Christmas is stuck in my head
Dont want a lot of Christmas
I hate my dad and my sister so much. All day shes been complaining about how eArLy she gets dropped off like bro doesn’t even get dropped off early. If it’s such a big deal then go to moms and walk there.
When we got off of school I’m going to yell at her.
I was almost late and I’m getting sick of this. If I get dropped off late I have to get a detention. I’m so sick of her
The annoying part is that her school does stuff before class starts for kids who get dropped off early but she chooses not to go
When I get dropped off early I sit around, outside, on a bench in the freezing cold
They look really good for your 1st attempt
Thanks but it doesn’t taste too good
I usually eat my mom's chocolate chip pancakes
Goddammit why did I think to add chocolate chips into my pancakes
Oh well I finished the pancakes
Come to think of it
This is my first attempt to make pancakes completely by myself
Damnit now I'm craving pancakes lol
Here eat this one