The fact that a relatively unnotable man can rise to power by feeding off the fears and anxieties of masses and providing fast and easy solutions to complicated problems.
The fact that a relatively unnotable man can rise to power by feeding off the fears and anxieties of masses and providing fast and easy solutions to complicated problems.
Disney Just Cancelled a Beloved Marvel Show | The Direct Supposedly the remaining episodes will still be released in February.
A couple bullet points as to why.
-Disney barely advertising it after the first two episodes.
-Getting overshadowed by X-Men '97
A true shame really. It had a great style.
Only a little bit. You can tell a lot had to be condensed because of Disney.
Despite being advertised as a kid's game there is so MUCH inappropriate content that doesn't get filtered or removed. It doesn't help that the moderation team does a terrible job.
Voice of Darth Vader and Mufasa along with numerous other movie roles.
For those who don't know Manos is a 1966 horror flick considered to be one of the worst movies ever made. Notorious for its bad editing, long pauses, and nonsensical story beats. You won't be surprised to learn that the movie was made by a fertilizer salesman who only made the film because of a bet.
Hollywood dropping another bomb.
The only solace is that it can't be any worse than the Borderlands movie.
I actually saw the last two in theaters. I'm that old.
It would really depend on which version of the Joker. But definitely Arkham Joker because some of the worst things he did in the comics are canon in that universe.
So, I see plenty of posts like this. Some are ironic, some are not. Shows included in these posts range shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars to My Little Pony.
All I gotta say to these people is it's okay to like a kid's shows. Plenty of kid's show have things that adults can also enjoy. The show has dark and adult themes? Yeah, cartoons have doing that since the 80s perhaps even longer. You really don't need to justify your enjoyment of something that's for young audiences.
They've allowed mature content on since 2022.
Why would he team up with Megatron?
They start school this early in August?
It's Bounding Into Comics, they don't care about facts. They're whole schtick is making rage bait for 40-year-old, backwards hat and sunglasses indoors wearing, peaked in high school, divorced dads.