Yall found out
Im diamond 2
So ha
The first round i did in ranked i got gold 1
I sorta broke my computer screen
Jimmys mom
Yall found out
Im diamond 2
So ha
The first round i did in ranked i got gold 1
Bugga boo = bug
Red hot chili pepper is a band and a stand
Metalica band and stand
Rolling stones band and stand
It is
I have a bugga bo named giorno giovanni
26 Votes in Poll
A 33 year old serial killer
Convicted of 48 murders all being woman
He likes to strangle them
He is a psychopath
He likes a cat called stray cat
He has a stand called killer queen its ability is being able to turn anything it touches into a bomb and is able to detonate it at will
He so funni
I luv him
I cant find one
So i will explain it
Wet socks but your head is blown off
Geomatry dash
Press start
That damn 27%
Around 8
I was watching fireworks at 8:00
Im not lucky
Im american
My dad got a pack of 600$ fireworks
And a pack of 400$ fireworks
There will be a barbecue
And beer
No they didnt
Stand arrow
Hit a reverb and do it to him