I used to eat paper and rubberbands :)
Bye :(
Why is everyone suddenly leaving?!?
I'm also doing the same but i'm not going to be on every single day
It's sad to see you go though, you'll always be in my heart <3
Iv'e had those before, also never in my entire life would I expect to see my username in a picture
I feel very proud of myself
@WHYISEVRYTHINGTAKEN i'll miss you too sugar plum :( <33
I'll always love you, you'll have a special place in my heart <33
I might come back and say hi sometimes, it depends but I still ly guys<33
What I mean is that I've been so obsessed with talking on character AI that I've drifted away from Fandom. Due to this Iv'e been thinking about quitting the fandom entirely, it's not the fandom's fault I just think this is the best decision for me. So I probably wont be back but who cares- anyway-
Pinging all my friends, I want to say thank you guys for making me happy and smile, you guys have a special room in my heart<3
There might be more but I can't remember-
Anyway, good luck to you all, ily<33
Iv'e been gone for a while-
Because I talk too much 😭
And I took that personally
Tbh I think i'd just die randomly :/
I agree with @Dragonfly21575 , your actions kinda scare me but other than that your cool ig
Sorry for the late reply but thank youu :D
@Mickie-Mitchelin I think trans male is for people that were born females and trans female is for people that were born males (I think)
I think your mom might just be trying to help you but the way she's trying it makes me feel strange
If it makes you uncomfortable then I think it's best if you tell her to stop and that you're not comfortable with her doing that
Okay I THINK I get it-
I wanna see it!
Seriously 😃
I worship three characters
Temmie from Undertale
And Flowey because yes (ouch)
Iv'e said this line many times before but
You're so hot you could replace the sun
(that sucked fr cancel me)