Yeah, could be anyone or Eda!
Awesome, thanks! How are y'all? I agree! Great pfp! ❤️ Xo
Aw, man, I forgot we can get the badges! I'll have the lesbian, rainbow, and autism pride badges on the beanie!
Heck yeah! Beanies are awesome! 👉👉 ❤️❤️❤️❤️xoxox
Awww, I hope everything goes ok too! Much love and peace! Praying! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Xoxoxo
Eda's earrings, Amity's necklace, and Luz's beanie!
OMG!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ xoxoxx
Haven't tried it. Looks good!
Aw, that is so true! What a beautiful post! Y'all are perfectly imperfect too, folks! Also, happy 3 years of Grom, yay!!! How are you folks celebrating today? Maybe we could do fanarts and group rewatch of this episode? ❤️ xo
@Lavers I also love Raeda!
@Lavers That's one of my faves too!
Enchanting Grom Fright!
"I couldn't let them hurt you, that much was obvious." Amity said in a whisper though she knew that Luz had understood that. Amity locked eyes with her love. I won't allow anyone or anything to harm you. Mark my words.
After Through the Looking Glass Ruins
Why does Luz do stupid things like this? Ugh! I love her for it, though. I mean if Luz wasn't like this and she didn't do half the stuff she does, then we would have never ended up where we are now and I have never felt happier in my life!
But, why did Luz say she does dumb actions around me too? Wait! Does this mean-she likes me back?! No, Amity! Don't get your hopes up! At Grom she stated that's what friends do so it's platonic. Are you sure about that?
Oh yeah, I'm asking anyone else who answers as continuing conversation, but it does seem funny! XD
1 or 7! You?
Happy birthday!!!
Amity eyed Luz emboldened somehow yet
Luz sensing something, squeezed the witch's hand without thinking. They knew each other well. They could handle anything together.
After Escaping Expulsion
Luz was tongue tied. She wanted to burst out and tell Amity how cool she was! "You were an anime goddess! You jumped in like that and -woah!"
Luz's brain was finally catching up with a significant detail. Had Amity just said, "stay away from my Luz" or had she misheard? Could she be projecting what she'd seen in popular culture and read? Sure, friends helped each other like that but-. The words "my Luz" kept echoing in the Latina's head ceaselessly as if she was still trying to wrap her head around it.
"I didn't just imagine this, did I?" Luz blurted out.
Amity turned her head to admire the object of her affection. Was Luz talking about what had just happened? Though vague her question was, Amity knew deep down. "I'm done backinv down now!" Amity decided, determination in her furrowed brows, adrelone still coursing through her veins after the fight.
"No, Luz. This was real." Amity was approaching her crush, the softest of smiles on her face for her Luz. Did Luz understand now? Amity attempted to ask the question with her eyes, hoping Luz would get it. The witch was sure the feelings were now mutual. Luz was blushing crimson as badly as she had been during the showdown: that could only mean one thing.
Luz was aware of the heat on her face, her heartrate rapidly picking up. What was this feeling? Why did she want to bolt so badly yet her feet were rooted on the spot? The Latina wanted nothing more than to confess to Amity and run away and hide in fear at the shame time. She realized her hands were shaking. Is this how the witch had been feeling all this time? How had she not seen it sooner?
Luz swallowed hard. Amity was faring no better. Her face was still scarlet, as well. If Amity was so bold, so was her great witch Luzura!
"Amity, that was incredible." Luz was speaking in awe. Amity had heard gush over virtually nothing short of everything before but she had never heard her beloved sound this hushed before. Amity's blush was darkening more and more by the minute. Despite her attention being fully on Luz and her lips, she did catch most things that she claimed and how flustered she was- a disaster as bad as her. They were a match, that was for sure!
"T-thank you, Luz." Amity managed breathelessly and now her voice sounded like music to Luz's ears. She gazed at her with adoration. Amity wanted Liz to know that she'd do anything for her-proved by her actions moments earlier.
Luz knew it in her heart. Amity was everything Liz had ever wanted in a friend but now that word sounded off. Luz's heart screamed that she was the one. Do you have the courage to take it?
Luz's heart thundered. She couldn't think of hear clearly any more. What if everything was destroyed between them? Shouldn't she just let this happen naturally?
Luz snapped out of her reverie - in the sweetest way possible. Amity was right beside her, trying something. Luz's eyes trailed Amity's arm. It was hovering close to hers.
The witch's gaze lifted back up, amber eyes meeting dark, chocolate brown. Luz beamed despite the nerves, the easiest thing in the world and slowly reach her hand out to brush her pinky first against Amity's.
Amity wasn't flinching. Her fingers then Luz slowly touched and soon they were hand holding. Luz clasped Amity's hand tightly. It felt so right. Luz could see that Amity was glowing. She'd never seen her eyes sparkle so much. Luz's breath caught.
Luz was overjoyed to just be with Amity. She didn't feel she had to say or do anything anymore. She could be unashamedly herself with the witch. Amity beamed wide at her, Luz could tell she wasn't holding back anymore. She could feel the love radiating from Amity's heart and she knew the witch could Luz's adoration for her.
Hey, I gtg, friends! C ya soon! Great chatting with you! ❤️ xo
"I'm sorry, Luz. I hope I'm not making you feel uncomfortable." Amity said softly, smiling at her.
Luz laughed yet it seemed forced but Amity didn't care. She love her friend exactly for who she was.
"No, Amity. You never make feel awkward. The complete opposite!" Luz gazed up at the sky, faltering. "I-I just was worried I said the wrong thing."
Amity, without thinking, took Luz's hand.