31 Votes in Poll
Tell me how it would change the story.
31 Votes in Poll
Image by: Antler Dragon
Yellow Y - Luz's Light Magic
Purple E - Amity's Abomination Magic
Green A - Willow's Plant Magic
Blue R - Gus' Illusion Magic
9 Votes in Poll
You can also say which ones didn't waste it's potential
In the third season yes
Original deleted shot by: TOH Crew
Original remade image by: Luminoushane
Glowing eyes edit by: Me
29 Votes in Poll
Tkx for 20 likes
Season 1 (9/10)
Most of the episodes are pretty interesting, although a few of the episodes are either an average kid's episode or maybe a bit cliche, but the good ones are really fun & have heart like E12 & E15-19.
Season 2 (10/10)
The story is excellent, the characters have a lot of depth & layers, the chemistry with Luz & Amity are adorable, the lore of 400 year old pilgrim was twisted & mind boggling, Hunter's character arc was pretty good, the adventures Luz & her friends had were really fun (despite the fact episodes 11-21 were rewritten at least the characters were not sidelined/bland).
Season 3 (5/10)
Okay people might hate me for this. I can understand why it was cancelled, but did it have to be cut short this much? With only 3 episodes the season is terribly rushed.
The Good: The animation is a slight upgrade to the first 2 seasons. Some really fun & interesting situations shown in the season like Hunter gets possessed, The Collector takes over the Boiling Isles (kinda), & Luz feels negative because of her mistakes. I only liked the first episode, the rest had so much wasted potential.
The Bad: Most of the events are terribly rushed, like was there any development with Luz after her mistakes in the beginning of the first episode, most of the Lumity moments in FtF & W&D were really forgettable, in the series finale they focus way too much on the main trio (Luz, Eda, & King), well what about the others (Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, & Camila), they had a lot of character development in the series (especially the Hex-Squad) so the writers for the final episode chose to completely sideline the major supporting characters.
What. A WASTE!! If there was one thing I was most let-down which is surprising cuz this season was kinda bad it was the Hex-Squad.
Amity: It's nice how we picked flowers & tied it to my abomination balloon, I'm sure your mom's gonna love it.
Luz: Yeah.
Amity: What's your mom like?
Luz: My mom? Kind in her own way, but she's strict too. She always wanted me to study but I became over-creative. There was this one time I made a griffin model with actual spiders, but I got sent to the principal's office for that. You know, even though my mom didn't like me for these things, I'd do anything to go see her again 🥹. Oh! Sorry I just need a moment.
Amity: It's nice how your mom cares about you. My mom never spent time with me when I was young.
Luz: What?
Amity: I can't really remember what fun stuff I did with them. You know I've always wondered, can you imagine having a parent who doesn't care about you. That's crazy right?
*Luz hugs Amity*
Amity: 🥹
Note: This is similar to Anne & Sprig talking about each other’s parents.
43 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
32 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll