I just couldn't help but notice that during Eda's Requiem, when all the racers from the different schools are preparing for the Gland Prix, Celine/Moon Girl is there to compete but her specific palisman is never shown. Every other student competing has theirs in view for at least one scene. With Celine, every single scene she is in makes sure to have hers at an angle where you will never see it. In one scene she is stretching and doesn't have it, another when everyone is congregated, it is hidden just behind her head. Even when they are all pictured on the starting line, they put her on the very end so the staff head is just out of picture.
I did originally have a theory that her palisman looked something like Jean-Luc given the similar crescent shape and that it was being hidden for some reason, but that's probably grasping at straws. Just something I noticed with my over analytical eye.