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Season 2[]
These three are bad influences and must be executed. I mean expelled.
—Alador to Principal Bump and Amity about why he and Odalia think Luz, Gus and Willow should be expelled, "Escaping Expulsion"
I already have one.
—Alador to Eda about her Harpy form, "Reaching Out"
I like your new hair color, its abomination colored.
—Alador to Amity about her new hair color, "Reaching Out"
Did I mention I haven't had a weekend off in five years
—Alador complaining to King disguised as a coven scout about Odalia's treatment of him., "Clouds on the Horizon"
Oh sorry fire flu side effects.
—Alador apologising to King disguised as a coven scout about sneezing fire, "Clouds on the Horizon"
Sounds like I joined the wrong coven.
—Alador reflecting about his decisions, "Clouds on the Horizon"
—Alador to King disguised as a coven scout about the abomatons., "Clouds on the Horizon"
I'm gonna spend more time with my kids, get to know them.
—Alador to King disguised as a coven scout on his plans after the day of unity, "Clouds on the Horizon"
Things are gonna change after the day of unity.
—Alador on what he thinks will happen on the day of unity, "Clouds on the Horizon"
—Alador chastising Odalia, "Clouds on the Horizon"
Ha! The jetpack actualy works
—Alador about Kikimora blasting off using the abomaton's jetpack, "Clouds on the Horizon"
—Alador apologising to Hunter disguised as Luz about Odalia's behaviour, "Clouds on the Horizon"
—Alador arguing with Hunter, "King's Tide"
Why did [I make those things so powerfull?
—Alador reflecting on the abomitrons while being attacked by them, "King's Tide"
Stupid Alador Stupid!
—Alador annoyed at himself, "King's Tide"