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This is a transcribed copy of Coven Lovin Soap Opera.
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Previous: "Art Lessons with Luz" Next: "N/A"
Speaker Dialogue
(Open on Luz sitting on the couch in the Owl House, watching King, who is slouched over the table, flip through channels on the crystal ball with a bored expression. He flips past a channel showing a grey-haired witch speaking at a political podium, stopping on the next channel, which initially shows a solid pink screen.)
Announcer And now, [King becomes intrigued and leans closer to the ball] the epic return of "Bleeding Hearts," [Luz becomes interested] the epic romance!
(As the announcer speaks, magenta blood pours down from the top of the crystal ball's screen, which then forms in a dripping heart shape in the center. Along with it, a white rose floats down from the top and into the center of the heart. King groans in frustration at the mention of romance, and angrily stomps away)
Luz [intrigued] Ooh!
(The crystal ball's scene then cuts to a one-eyed, blue-skinned witch with tentacle arms in a long white dress. She is standing in a room of a high-end looking house, in which a balcony and stairs can be seen. Suddenly, a kneeling, purple haired witch in opulent attire slides in from the left on a large pile of snails and takes the one-eyed witch's hand.)
Rich witch Miss Arabella, if you marry me, [stands up and raises his other hand] our families will be the most powerful witches in the land! [pulls Arabella closer, who leaves a trail of slime behind her] Plus, I'm super rich.
(At this, a large, muscular, egg-shaped demon with long, dark red hair and an open blue shirt rolls in from the left. He is holding a bunch of plants in his left hand.)
Poor villager No, Arabella! I scrambled here as soon as I heard. I may be just a lowly stable boy, but our future could be sunny side up.
(Suddenly, sirens wail as a hospital bed is dragged into frame drawn by two small siren-esque demons, containing a frail witch almost identical to Arabella, except with blonde hair and mauve skin. She has bandages wrapped around her upper head and is reaching her arm out to Arabella.)
Arabella's mother [feebly] Arabella, my only daughter, you must know one final thing. [suddenly becomes limp] Egh.
(Heart monitor flatlines.)
Arabella [gasps] Mama... [agonized scream] Mama!
Rich witch Poor Arabella! I cry... Diamonds... [cries a small blue diamond from the corner of his right eye]
Poor villager My angel weeps... [cries a runny uncooked egg, yolk included, from the corner of his left eye]
(Screen goes static. Cut to Luz holding the remote with a disdained expression. Suddenly, King launches himself across the room to the table.)
King [lands on the crystal ball] No! What happens next? [grabs the crystal ball and shakes it desperately] What happens next?!
(Luz quickly turns it back to the previous channel.)
Announcer And this concludes the final episode of "Bleeding Hearts."
King [tosses crystal ball into the ceiling with a loud, angry cry]
Luz Buddy, let me tell you a little something about fan fiction.
King [squints slyly] Go on...

ve Episode transcripts
Season 1 1. "A Lying Witch and a Warden" • 2. "Witches Before Wizards" • 3. "I Was a Teenage Abomination" • 4. "The Intruder" • 5. "Covention" • 6. "Hooty's Moving Hassle" • 7. "Lost in Language" • 8. "Once Upon a Swap" • 9. "Something Ventured, Someone Framed" • 10. "Escape of the Palisman" • 11. "Sense and Insensitivity" • 12. "Adventures in the Elements" • 13. "The First Day" • 14. "Really Small Problems" • 15. "Understanding Willow" • 16. "Enchanting Grom Fright" • 17. "Wing It Like Witches" • 18. "Agony of a Witch" • 19. "Young Blood, Old Souls"
Season 2 1. "Separate Tides" • 2. "Escaping Expulsion" • 3. "Echoes of the Past" • 4. "Keeping Up A-fear-ances" • 5. "Through the Looking Glass Ruins" • 6. "Hunting Palismen" • 7. "Eda's Requiem" • 8. "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door" • 9. "Eclipse Lake" • 10. "Yesterday's Lie" • 11. "Follies at the Coven Day Parade" • 12. "Elsewhere and Elsewhen" • 13. "Any Sport in a Storm" • 14. "Reaching Out" • 15. "Them's the Breaks, Kid" • 16. "Hollow Mind" • 17. "Edge of the World" • 18. "Labyrinth Runners" • 19. "O Titan, Where Art Thou" • 20. "Clouds on the Horizon" • 21. "King's Tide"
Season 3 1. "Thanks to Them" • 2. "For the Future" • 3. "Watching and Dreaming"
Owl Pellets "Welcome to Hexside" • "Eda's Cursed Brush" • "Paint Scare!" • "Art Lessons with Luz" • "Coven Lovin Soap Opera" • "The Dollhouse"
Others "Next Time On" • "The Letter from Lulu" • "Luz's Diary Entry" • "Hunter's Palisman Observations"