Luz (voiceover)
[Next time on... The Owl House.]
[Cut to Luz standing in the kitchen of the Owl House.]
I wanna be a witch! Will you teach me?
[spits out a green liquid] What? Oh no-no-no-no-no, that's not gonna happen. [A green monster emerges from the cauldron, which she hits on the head with the end of her spatula.] Besides, humans don't have magical powers.
I don't care. I'll find a way. King used to know magic. He can teach me.
[Transition to outside in the forest, where King stands on a chair. A stuffed rabbit dummy is tied to a pole in front of the two.]
Okay. Feet together, back straight, inhale. Now take all that repressed anger from being picked on, and called a munchkin, and being mistaken as a teddy bear, and let it all out in a blast of fire so hot, it will melt the bones of your enemies! Now fight!
[King lunges at the dummy and mauls it as Luz watches in horror. The dummy's head is thrown onto Luz's face.]
Luz (voiceover)
I'll befriend students at the magic academy and learn from them.]
[Cut to a girl using a wand, which makes energy crackle like electricity.]
Hi, [energy crackles from her hand] I'm Paulina.
[Luz extends her hand for a handshake, however, due to a magical mishap, their hands become unexpectedly stuck together.]
Oops. I can fix that. [turns Luz's skin green with multicolored polka-dots] Oops. I can fix that. [turns her back but with a fly on her head.] Oops, oops! [turns Luz's body into a group of frogs, which hop away in all directions.]]
[Cut to Luz and King traveling through a forest while the former holds a map reading "SIR WILLIAM" Legendary Wizard.]
Luz (voiceover)
I'll hunt down the most powerful wizards and steal their secrets.
[Luz stares at William, who sleeps on a small slope. She slowly moves her face closer to his.]
[slaps William] Wake up!
[Cut back to the Owl House.]
Alright, alright. I'll teach you how to be a witch. But wielding magic is difficult and dangerous! Think you're ready for the challenge?
How hard could it be?
[A montage begins with Luz, Eda, & King screaming as they travel to the Titan's skull, Eda opening her shop which is revealed to be inside the Owl House, or in the animation test, "OWL SHOP". Luz riding on a horse-like creature with spider-legs as King holds on from the tail, Luz and King running away from a doll "Luz" lookalike who bears the inside of it's mouth as a monster made of flesh, King trying to get out of a bag, Luz getting caught by a plant vines in Paulina's House, a figure harassing Eda as Luz uses the staff which crackles yellow magic to fight. The last part of the montage shows Luz, Eda, & King looking out at Bonesborough as Luz and King lean on Eda's shoulder's.]
[Cue the TITLE CARD. A dust cloud transitions to Luz outside the Owl House, trying to use magic on a dead bird.]
Come on, come on...
[Purple electricity surges through Luz's hand before surrounding the bird. It wakes up and starts chirping.]
[gasp] Yes!
[The bird suddenly grows to the size of the Owl House. Eda opens a window.]
[The bird eats Eda's head and she starts flailing.]
[nervously backs up] I'll just let you two, uh... [She turns around and runs in the opposite direction.]