The Owl House Wiki

The Stonesleeper is a species of prehistoric creature from the Boiling Isles which lived during the Hecktaceous Period.


The Stonesleeper has a physique resembling that of a two-legged non-avian dinosaur. It has gray skin and several long horns or plates on its back. Instead of a basic snout, the Stonesleeper has a bird-like beak, and it has other distinctive characteristics such as two large bat-like ears and hooves.


When a Stonesleeper falls asleep, their body turns to stone for that period of time, presumably as protection from potential enemies. Stonesleepers are very aggressive, but they have one weakness: they have a ticklish spot behind their ears. If someone touches this spot, the Stonesleeper can become peaceful and even be safely ridden by a person.[1]

Stonesleepers lived on the Boiling Isles during the "Hecktaceous Period". Following this era of history, Stonesleepers became rarer in the Boiling Isles. At least one individual lived in the skull of the Titan during the Deadwardian Era of the Savage Ages.[1]



Production artwork[]

Concept art[]


"Elsewhere and Elsewhen"[]

Click here to view the designs for Stonesleeper.
To view the various designs of Stonesleeper, click here.


  • It is not known if Stonesleepers still exist in the modern day of the Boiling Isles, but in both "Hollow Mind" and "Clouds on the Horizon", Emperor Belos and the Collector talk as if it would be fairly easy for them to create a new Grimwalker. Since Stonesleeper lungs are one of the ingredients, this suggests either that the species still exists, that Belos has a supply of Stonesleeper lungs, or that Belos brought the species back to life using magic, as he did with the basilisks.
  • In "Eclipse Lake", in the Emperor's Castle, a book that Belos left open reveals that the lungs of a Stonesleeper are one of the items needed for a grimwalker.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Zach Marcus (writer) and Bridget Underwood (director) (March 26, 2022). "Elsewhere and Elsewhen". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 12. Disney Channel.