Sugarcube is a South Korean animation studio that works on the animation production for The Owl House alongside Rough Draft Korea and Sunmin Image Pictures.
Episodes animated by Sugarcube[]
Season 1[]
- "I Was a Teenage Abomination"
- "Covention"
- "Something Ventured, Someone Framed"
- "Adventures in the Elements"
- "The First Day"
- "Really Small Problems"
- "Understanding Willow"
- "Wing it Like Witches"
- "Young Blood, Old Souls"
Season 2[]
- "Separate Tides"
- "Echoes of the Past"
- "Keeping up A-fear-ances"
- "Hunting Palismen"
- "Eda's Requiem"
- "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door"
- "Eclipse Lake"
- "Follies at the Coven Day Parade"
- "Elsewhere and Elsewhen"
- "Any Sport in a Storm"
- "Reaching Out"
- "Them's the Breaks, Kid"
- "Hollow Mind"
- "Labyrinth Runners”
- "O Titan, Where Art Thou"
- "King's Tide"
Season 3[]
Owl Pellets[]
- "Welcome to Hexside"
- "Eda's Cursed Brush"
- "Paint Scare!"
- "Art Lessons with Luz"
- "Coven Lovin Soap Opera"