The Owl House Wiki


  1. Lunter-

Okay, I highly do not support this ship. Hunter and Luz are more like sibling charcters because they are always there for eachother when they need it.

In "Thanks To Them" They bond as siblings as the other part of their group is out looking for titans blood. They bond as Hunter goes through his tramatic experince with 'seeing belos' which Luz helps with.

In the same episode Luz says to Hunter "I’ve got to make sure you’re safe too. You’re family now" Clearly stating that she thinks they are more like brother and sister more than any one else.

tiny brother/sister duo gallerly

(omg sorry for the low quality pictures lmao)


awh sibling comfort



2. Lumity- Okay, for one they are a cute ship and all. Tbh I'm in the middle of liking this ship, because in the beginning there was so many things thrown at us like how all of the sudden Amity appears out of no where after 'following' them to the library.

2nd of all when Amity kissed her out of knowwhere on the cheek I'm just like "Like two seconds ago you hated her guts because she is human, what changed?"

But overall this is a pretty cute ship and Luz the protagonist gets someone to love. There could have been better people shipped with Amity but im not listing who.

Lumity In "Watching and Dreaming"

3. Huntlow,

One of the cutest ships I know. The way Willow cared for Hunter in S3 was so emotinal and i loved this ship so much.

Hunter has a bad backround, being the golden guard and all. Willow also has a bad backround with Amity. (though her and Amity become friends in the future.) They both have trauma in their lives. Willow is the helpful one. She helped out hunter with his hair and his problems.

Hunter and Willow met in Hexide when Willow was hosting the team- The Emerald Entrails.

Over all they are a great ship.

mini huntlow gallery

Huntlow In "Watching and Dreaming"
Huntow in S3